The following is the current Cannon Self-Storage Rental Agreement for the year of 2020.
If you are a current tenant and have not updated your rental agreement as of January 1, 2018, please contact your facility as you may need to update your rental agreement on file. Note, even if your rental agreement on file is not updated, the following rental agreement is in effect in place of any out of date agreements.

Document last reviewed and updated Jan 1, 2020.

The term shall be month to month on the first day of each month and shall automatically extend to cover each succeeding monthly period, unless tenant delivers to Cannon Self Storage at [Location Name] (herein referred to as "Cannon Self Storage") written notice of his intention to terminate this agreement.  This must be done prior to the first day of the succeeding month.  Tenant shall not be entitled to a refund of first month`s rent for any reason.  Tenant shall not be entitled to a refund of rent for any portion of the month in which the refund request is made.  Cannon Self Storage reserves the right to terminate a lease agreement.

 2. RENT IS DUE ON THE FIRST DAY OF EACH MONTH.  The monthly rate shall be payable to Cannon Self Storage on or before the first day of each month and is delinquent if not paid by the 5th of the month.  Cannon Self Storage reserves the right to refuse payment by check.  All payments shall first be applied to outstanding late charges or fees ("Additional Rent") before being applied to the outstanding rent.  In the event of a lockout and/or Denial of Access it is expressly agreed that rent shall continue at current rate for this size unit until paid in full or until termination of the Rental Agreement by Cannon Self Storage, whichever occurs first.  The monthly rate may be changed at any time by Cannon Self Storage by giving written notice to the tenant.  Cannon Self Storage reserves the right to use email to send notices to the tenant and the tenant agrees to receive such notices by email.

3. CANNON SELF STORAGE DOES NOT PROVIDE CLIMATE CONTROLLED UNITS.  Some storage units are heated or cooled, depending on outside temperature, as an alternative to standard non-heated & cooled units.  Heated & cooled units do not provide constant internal temperature or humidity control and Cannon Self Storage does not guarantee that temperature and humidity will not fluctuate.  Tenant release Cannon Self Storage from liability for damage to stored property (such as mold or mildew) from fluctuations in temperature or humidity from any cause including the negligence of Cannon Self Storage or Cannon Self Storage agents and employees.

4. ABANDONMENT.  Your unit must be secured with a lock in the absence of written notice to Cannon Self Storage to the contrary.  If all property is removed from the rental unit for fifteen (15) consecutive days and if the Tenant has failed to make his monthly payment before the due date, OR if the tenant has removed his lock from the rental unit, the Tenant shall be deemed to have abandoned the premises.

5. AVOID FEES AND LOCKOUT BY PAYING ON TIME. If the Tenant has an outstanding balance after 5 days of the due date, Cannon Self Storage may deny the Tenant access to the premises. Since Cannon Self Storage may incur additional costs in the event of the Tenant breaching his agreement, Cannon Self Storage can charge additional rent (late charges).  The Tenant has read the list of late charges and "Rules to Store By" addendum to this lease.  Late charges may be changed without notice.

6. YOUR GOODS CAN BE SOLD. a) Pursuant to the Self Service Storage Facility Act in Tennessee Code Annotated Title 66, Chapter 31, Cannon Self Storage and its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns shall have a Lien upon all personal property located at our self-storage facility for rent, labor, or other charges, present or future, in relation to the expenses reasonably incurred in its sale or other disposition pursuant to this article.  The Lien attaches when the personal property is brought to the self-storage facility and continues so long as Cannon Self Storage retains possession and until the default is corrected, or a sale is conducted, or the property is otherwise disposed of to satisfy the Lien.  The Lien provided for in this section is superior to any other Lien or security interest, except as otherwise provided by law.  Cannon Self Storage`s Lien may be enforced by sending written notice to the Tenant, via hand delivery, by verified mail or by electronic mail to the Tenant`s last known address, of Cannon Self Storage`s claim showing the sum due at the time of the notice and the date when the sum became due.  Tenant shall have thirty days from the date of the notice to pay the balance due or the property shall be advertised for public sale.  Before any sale or other disposition or personal property pursuant to this section, the Tenant may pay the amount necessary to satisfy Cannon Self Storage`s Lien and the reasonable expenses incurred under the statute and thereby redeem the personal property. b) If the property upon which the Lien is claimed is a vehicle and rent and other charges related to the property remain unpaid or unsatisfied sixty (60) days after the maturity of the obligation to pay rent, Cannon Self Storage may have the vehicle towed or may sell the vehicle via public auction.  Cannon Self Storage shall not be liable for the vehicle or any damages to the vehicle once Cannon Self Storage takes procession of the property. c) Cannon Self Storage`s liability arising from the Lien sale is limited to the net proceeds received from the sale of the personal property. d) Cannon Self Storage is not liable for identity theft or other harm resulting from misuse of information contained in a document or electronic storage media that are part of the Tenant`s property sold or otherwise disposed and (ii) of which Cannon Self Storage did not have actual knowledge. (INITIAL REQUIRED)

7. USE OF THE STORAGE UNIT. Cannon Self Storage is not engaged in the business of storing goods for hire and no bailment is created under this Agreement.  Cannon Self Storage does not have, nor take care, custody or control over Tenant`s stored property.  Tenant agrees to use the storage unit only for the storage of property wholly owned by Tenant.

TENANT HEREBY REPRESENTS TO LANDLORD THAT THE TOTAL VALUE OF ALL PROPERTY STORED OR TO BE STORED IN THE FUTURE IN THE STORAGE UNIT IS LESS THAN $5,000. Tenant agrees that the maximum liability of Cannon Self Storage to Tenant for any claim or suit by Tenant, including, but not limited to any suit which alleges wrongful or improper foreclosure or sale of the contents of a storage unit, is $5,000.  Nothing in this section shall be deemed to create any liability on the part of Cannon Self Storage to Tenant for any loss of damage to Tenant`s property, regardless of the cause.

8. PROPERTY IS STORED AT YOUR SOLE RISK. All of Tenant`s personal property stored within or upon the storage unit shall be at Tenant`s sole risk.  Cannon Self Storage, its agents or employees shall not be liable for any loss of or damage to any personal property while at the self-storage facility arising from any cause whatsoever including, but not limited to, burglary, mysterious disappearance, fire, water damage, rodents, Acts of God, or the active or passives acts or omission or negligence of Cannon Self Storage, its agents or employees.

9. YOU MUST INSURE YOUR PROPERTY. Tenant, at Tenant`s expense, shall maintain a policy of fire, extended coverage endorsement, burglary, vandalism, and malicious mischief Insurance for the actual cash value of stored property.  Insurance on Tenant`s property is a material condition of this Agreement and is for the benefit of both Tenant and Cannon Self Storage.  Failure to carry the required Insurance is a breach of this Agreement and Tenant assumes all risk of loss to stored property that would be covered by such insurance.  Tenant expressly agrees that the insurance company providing insurance shall not be subrogated to any claim of Tenant against Cannon Self Storage, Cannon Self Storage agents or employees for loss of or damage to property.  In lieu of such tenant insurance, Tenant may acquire SafeStor Tenant Insurance up to the value of the stored property (max $15,000).


(INITIAL REQUIRED) I have insurance from my own insurance agent or company:

Name of Company: (REQUIRED)
Policy Number: (REQUIRED)


(INITIAL REQUIRED) I will Apply for Low Cost SafeStor Tenant Insurance



(INITIAL REQUIRED) The property which Tenant intends to store in the storage unit is NOT subject to any security interest or lien.


(INITIAL REQUIRED) The property which Tenant intends to store in the storage unit IS subject to security interest or lien in favor of:
Name and Address: (Lien Holder address and contact information required)

11. CONDITION OF THE UNIT. Tenant has examined the storage unit and agrees that the storage unit is satisfactory for all purposes, including safety, security, and size for which Tenant will use it.  Tenant has had an opportunity to measure the usable interior space of the storage unit and understands that all representation by Cannon Self Storage of the storage unit`s size in terms of measurement are approximate.  Tenant will, at all times, keep the storage unit neat, clean, and in a sanitary condition and will return it to Cannon Self Storage in the same condition as when received by Tenant, usual wear and tear expected.  All repairs to the storage unit or self-storage center, required as a result of Tenant`s acts or omissions shall be at Tenant`s sole cost and expense.

12. RULES TO STORE BY.  DO NOT STORE any of the following: food, explosives or ammunition petroleum products (e.g. gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, mineral spirits, etc.): other flammables (e.g. paint thinners, propane or butane gas, etc.) hazardous or toxic materials, substances, or wastes live animals or odor-producing materials.  DO NOT LITTER.  Dumpster is for our Cannon Self Storage office use only and is NOT provided for Tenant disposal of personal items, petroleum products, hazardous or toxic materials, landscaping materials or any other items.  Cannon Self Storage shall have the rights to promulgate rules and regulations for this operations, safety, care and cleanliness of the premises, or the preservation of good order on the facility.  Tenant agrees to follow all of Cannon Self Storage`s rules now in effect, or that may be put into effect from time to time.

13.  Cannon Self Storage IS NOT LIABLE FOR BODILY INJURY.  Cannon Self Storage, its agents and employees shall not be liable to Tenant for injury or death to Tenant as a result of Tenant`s use of the storage unit or the self-storage facility, even if such injury is caused by the active or passives acts or omissions or negligence of Cannon Self Storage, its agents or employees.

14.  YOU WILL INDEMNIFY Cannon Self Storage.  Tenant agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Cannon Self Storage, its agents and employees from all claims, demands, or lawsuits (including attorney`s fees and all costs) that are hereinafter brought by others arising out of Tenant`s use of the premises, including claims for Cannon Self Storage`s active negligence.

15.  STORAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS PROHIBITED.  Tenant is strictly prohibited from storing or using in the storage unit, or on the premises, petroleum products, flammable materials, or materials and substances classified as hazardous or toxic under any local, state, or federal laws or regulations, and from engaging in activities  that produce such products, materials, substances, or wastes associate therewith.  Tenant`s obligations of indemnity as set forth in the Rental Agreement specifically include any cost, expense, fines, or penalties imposed against Cannon Self Storage, arising out of the storage or use of any hazardous or toxic material by Tenant, Tenant`s agents, employees, invites, or guests.  Cannon Self Storage may inspect any vehicle Tenant drives onto the premises and enter the Tenant`s storage unit at any time to remove and dispose of prohibited items.

16. DO NOT MAKE CHANGES TO YOUR UNIT.  Tenant will make no alterations or addition to the leased unit or units without the advance written consent of Cannon Self Storage, and Tenant will have no power to subject the premises to any mechanic`s lien.  Any alterations, additions, or fixtures shall be made at Tenant`s sole cost and shall become the property of Cannon Self Storage at termination of this Agreement.  However, Cannon Self Storage will have the right to compel Tenant, at Tenant`s sole expense, to remove any alterations, additions, or fixtures, and to return the unit or units to their original condition at the termination of the Agreement`s terms.

17. WE CAN ENTER YOUR UNIT. Cannon Self Storage will have, at all times, the right to enter the unit or units to make any repairs (however, this provision shall not impose any obligation on Cannon Self Storage to make repairs) to ascertain if the provisions of this Agreement have been or are being complied with and to enforce the provisions of the Agreement including all rights or remedies.  Further, Tenant grants Cannon Self Storage the right to remove any lock or other security device of Tenant securing the unit without notice to Tenant, if Tenant is in default under this Agreement.  Tenant agrees that Cannon Self Storage will not be responsible for any loss, theft, or damage to any of Tenant`s goods which may occur after Tenant`s lock or other security device has been removed.  In the even of an emergency,  Cannon Self Storage or its agents or any representatives of any government authority shall have the right to remove the Tenant`s lock and entire his unit.

18. DO NOT LEASE YOUR UNIT TO SOMEONE ELSE. Tenant shall not assign this Agreement or sublet the whole or any portion of the space rented.

19. LET US KNOW IF YOU CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS. It shall be the duty of the Tenant to furnish Cannon Self Storage notification, in writing, of any changes of physical address, mailing address, phone number, email.

20. NO ORAL AGREEMENTS ACCEPTED. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between "Cannon Self Storage" and the Tenant, and Tenant agrees that he is not relying and will not rely upon any oral representation made by Cannon Self Storage, and of its agents or employees purporting to modify or add to this Agreement in any way.

21. ATTORNEY`S FEES. In the event of any litigation arising out of this Agreement or the use of storage facilities owned by Cannon Self Storage, Tenant agrees to reimburse Cannon Self Storage all costs associated with such litigation, including reasonable attorney`s fees.


The U.S. Congress recently passed legislation renaming and replacing the former "Soldiers` and Sailors` Civil Relief Act of 1940" with the "Servicemembers Civil Relief Act." Under the new law, the Landlord must know the military status of its tenants. All tenants are required to review this document and sign below.

Please review and check all appropriate boxes which apply to you.

Tenant (check one) ______ is OR ______ is not in the military. If in the miltary, Tenant is at the time of signing this Agreement (check one or both, if applicable) ______ in the reserves or National Guard or ______ on active duty. Tenant agrees to immediately notify Landlord of changes in Tenant`s mailing address, phone number, or other information found above. A change of mailing address will not be effective unless the new address is COMPLETE and the notice is in WRITING and SIGNED by the Tenant and actually RECEIVED by Landlord. Return addresses on envelopes, forwarding orders, or addresses on checks are insufficient. Phone numbers, however, may be changed orally or in writing.

If Tenant is on active military duty at the time of signing below, Tenant waives for purposes of this Agreement all rights under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, including those relating to foreclosure for nonpayment, termination for prohibited activity, and eviction for prohibited activity, etc. Landlord`s agents and employees do not have authority to waive, amend, or terminate this Agreement or make promises, representations, or agreements which impose any duties of security or other obligations on Landlord unless done in writing within the Lease or in an addendum or supplemental rules.

All other contractual rights and duties of both Landlord and Tenant under the Lease remain unchanged. Nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver of any of Landlord`s other rights and remedies under the Lease or state law. If any provisions of this document and the Lease conflict, the Lease shall control.


  1. Your monthly rent is (RATE) and is due on the first of each month.

  2. You can mail your payment, pay by credit card at our office or by phone.

  3. Acceptable forms of payment include cash, checks, and credit card for monthly payments. (If your account becomes 30 days or more delinquent, only cash or bank cashier`s check will be accepted)

  4. If we have not received your payment by the 5th day of the month, your gate access will be denied. If payment is not received by the 10th day of the month, a $15 late fee will be added to your account.

  5. If no payment is made for 45 days, we will process your unit for public auction. A $50 Foreclosure Fee will be charged.

  6. Speed Limit on the property is 5mph at all times.

  7. A $30 fee is automatically charged for all returned checks, as well as any applicable late fees. To cover these fees, only cash or money order will be accepted.

  8. We do not assume liability for the items you store. Tenant is responsible for maintaining Insurance or Low Cost SafeStor Tenant Insurance on all stored property.

  9. Do not store any of the following: Food, explosives or ammunition, inflammables (e.g. gas, paint, etc.), live animals, toxic material, or odor-producing materials.

  10. The storage unit must be vacated on or before the paid-to-date. WE REQUIRE A 10 DAY ADVANCE NOTICE OF MOVE OUT.

  11. The storage unit must be broom clean, emptied, in good condition and ready to re-rent.

  12. Tenant`s lock must be removed upon termination of occupancy. FAILURE TO REMOVE LOCK WILL RESULT IN CONTINUED RENTAL CHARGES AND LATE FEES UNTIL LOCK IS REMOVED.

  13. Access hours are from 6am until 10pm, Monday through Sunday.

  14. Office hours are from 9am until 5pm, Monday through Friday. Saturday, 9a-2p.

  15. Only one lock is allowed per door latch. If more than one lock is found, you may be subject to a $25 fee for the removal of that lock.

  16. Please keep us updated of any address changes, email address and/or phone number changes. Until we are notified in writing with your signature, the only valid address and telephone number present is on the lease. It is the customer`s responsibility to provide changes in writing.

  17. Please leave aisles clear and do not block another tenant`s door.

  18. Delivery drivers are to be met promptly and are not to block the front driveway or gate under any circumstances.

  19. Do not connect any electrical device to service outlets without prior permission from Management.

  20. DO NOT LITTER. Anyone caught misusing the dumpster will be subject to a fee of $75 per occurrence.

  21. All late fees and lien charges are an estimate of costs incurred to collect.

  22. DO NOT leave your vehicle on the premises overnight.

  23. ALWAYS lock your unit when it is unattended, even for a moment.

  24. DO NOT use your unit as a nuisance, annoyance, inconvenience, or danger to anyone.

  25. We will strictly enforce all policies and conditions in our contract. We do not make exceptions.

  26. While on the property all individuals are required to maintain a civil and courteous manner with all other customers and staff. Courteous use of aisles, driveways, and carts are expected at all times.

Thank you! We appreciate your business and look forward to you having a pleasant stay with us. If we can be of further help, please let us know.

This detail of late fees and the days on which they occur are found on the Customer Info Sheet of your Rental Agreement.

Returned Check (NSF) … $30.00 Check Charge
10 Days Late … $15.00 Late Fee
32 Days Late … $15.00 Late Fee
45 Days Late … $50.00 Lien/Foreclosure Fee
63 Days Late … $ 15.00 Late Fee
Auction Day Payment … $25.00 Auction Cancellation Fee
Collections Agency Expenses … $150.00

All Fees are Subject to Change